Moderately difficult hike with some steep gradients. An unforgettable panorama rewards all efforts.
Moderately difficult hike with some steep gradients. An unforgettable panorama rewards all efforts.
Tour description:
From the Steinplatte car park from Waidring (toll road) on to the Stallenalm (refreshments available) via Grünwaldalm to the Wieslochsteig (secured trail) to Steinplatte (1869m) - descent to the Kammerköhr restaurant and back via Stallenalm to the car park.
Note: Alpine hike, sure-footedness, no fear of heights, good sturdy hiking shoes, only in good weather
Responsible for the content: Tourist Info Reit im Winkl
Drive to Waidring, then Höhenstraße Steinplatte up to the Steinplatte car park (1382m).