89 very structured kilometers with many opportunities to admire the beautiful mountains make the drive to Bad Reichenhall very exhausting.
89 very structured kilometers with many opportunities to admire the beautiful mountains make the drive to Bad Reichenhall very exhausting.
Tour description:
The city itself is worth a trip and offers many opportunities to strengthen yourself and relax for a few minutes, because the return trip is not "free" either. The demanding tour requires fitness. With almost 90 km and approx. 1,000 m difference in altitude, it is one of the more difficult trips. The rise towards Anger is a sign of what awaits you. From Piding to Bad Reichenhall and on to the ST2101 requires some orientation skills. From Bad Reichenhall to Inzell we move in the mountains. One should not forget that. This becomes clear from the long climbs up to the "Mauthäusl" and from Weißbach up to the "Cafe Zwing". A last ascent is in the way with the ascent to Knappenfeld, before it's relaxed back to Waging. One has to take into account the fact that there are not so many secondary roads in the mountains. Therefore, the route sometimes leads on federal and state roads. Directions Tourist Info - cycle path underpass ST2105 right - cycle path underpass TS27 left - after approx. 200 m turn right towards Steppach - after Steppach crossing right towards St.Leonhard - turn left in St.Leonhard - after approx. 500 m turn left towards Oberwendling - Oberwendling - Töfenreut - Lauter - in Lauter turn left after the train - after about 300 m fork straight ahead in the direction of Lacken - Lacken - Mehring - Oberteisendorf - in the town center turn left onto the B 304 - Obermoos - after about 1 km turn left onto the BGL12 towards Waging - First exit at the roundabout - Teisendorf, straight ahead through the town - at the end of the town fork right towards Grubenhaus - bike path underpass B304 then right - after approx. 550 m left into the ST2103 towards Anger - past Anger - Aufham - Urwies - T-junction right onto the B20 - at the Staufen bridge over the Saalachrechts, use the side road - the route runs alongside the river and ends at the large crossing in the direction of Inzell - ST 2101 - Karlstein - past Lake Thumsee - seamless transition to Alpenstrasse (end of the first ascent) - Weißbach - Cafe Zwing (end of the second ascent) - Inzell - turn left at the Shell gas station into town - Reichenhaller Strasse up to the T-junction in the middle of the town - sharp left idSchmelzer Straße - after approx. 800 m right idSalinenweg - Hammer - T-junction left adB304 - from the end of the town cycle path - turn right to Heutau - T-junction right adTS55 towards Neukirchen - after approx. 4 km turn left via the BAB towards Knappenfeld - before Knappenfeld Turn right - T-junction left towards Surberg - after Surberg adB304 right towards Teisendorf - after approx. 1.3 km left towards Lauter - straight ahead through the village towards Töfenreut - Oberwendling - St.Leonhard - right in the village - Waging am See.
Bad Reichenhall is a spa town that has brine baths and a graduation house. It is well worth seeing and has a varied pedestrian zone where you can comfortably take a break.
Responsible for the content: Ferienregion Waginger See