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around Lake Chiemsee

Pentecost is one of the peak times of customs and traditions. It doesn't matter whether it's the customary "Pentecost walk", the traditional Inzell "Pentecostal"or the Pentecost meal- there is definitely something for you in the Chiemgau on these early summer holidays.

Why do we celebrate Pentecost?

Has anyone ever asked you that, or have you even asked it yourself? Nowadays, many associate Pentecost primarily with: Holidays for the little ones and a free Monday for the adults. Only a few know what is actually celebrated on this church holiday. It is all the nicer to spend the Pentecost days where customs can still be experienced and the original reason for today's events is still actively celebrated. According to the Bible, Christians celebrate the sending of the Holy Spirit every year 50 days after Easter. It is an important holiday for believers because it is considered the birth of the Church.

Whitsun customs in the Chiemgau-Area

Music, cuisine, tradition and a good mood. That and more awaits everyone who goes to the Pfingstroas in Inzell. Curious?

To the Chiemgau story

Whitsun go: "Because Whitsun is coming!"

The Pentecostis a young boy who is wrapped from head to foot in beech branches on Pentecost Sundayand is led through the village by his companions, pulling on ropes. Decorated with a bell, they march unmistakably from house to house. The saying " Because Pentecost, there Pentecost, there Pentecost is do, a bowl of voi Kiachen goes overoi o" resounds through the congregation. The Pentecost and his companions are rewarded with goodsin kind or a small donationthat goes to youth work. The Pentecost embodies fertilityand symbolizes the victory of summer over winter. When water is poured over it by the dispenser, the vegetation is filled with new life. Winter, the dead time, is conquered! Most recently, the Trachtenverein Nussdorfrevived this old Pentecost tradition in 2018.


This is one of the most well-known traditions in the region. A few centuries ago, it was customary to take cattle out to pasture for the first time of the year. For this special occasion, the farmers chose their strongest ox and festively decorated it with flowers and ribbons. Even today it can happen that you come across a richly decorated ox in some communities.

Pentecost May

The Pentecost maysare branches of the birch tree. They are used to drive away evil spiritsin houses. In addition, the birch branches are considered a sign of love.

Pentecost dinner

The life of the magnificently decorated ox does not last too long, because after the festival the ox traditionally ends up on the table as a tasty roast ox. The popular Heiliggeist donutsare less hearty, but at least as tasty. The doveis a symbol of the Holy Spirit, and in some regions a roastdove is served as a reminder of the miracle of Pentecost.