© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V. / Michael Namberger


Historical in the hill country

Quill, counting machine and typewriter: The old classroom in the courtyard of the Schwoshuber family in Tacherting breathes history, the hard work and sweat of countless generations of students. In 40 years of collecting activity, original pieces from past school days came together there. By appointment, interested parties can visit the Chiemgau School Museum and hear anecdotes from other times. Events are also regularly organized here.

From the school desk to the mill

Another historical place in Tacherting goes much further into the past: the checkered history of the Mussenmühle goes back to the 11th century. The old mill can be visited on a tour as part of adventure days. Afterwards, the farm shop invites you to browse and taste the muesli you have mixed yourself. There are bread baking courses for the children.

Tacherting local history

After the first major traces of settlement by the Romans, the place name refers to fortified systems of the Bavarians, which formed under the clan leader "Tagahart" in the 6th century. The village in the Alztal is one of the oldest in the Chiemgau-Area and in all of Bavaria. In 735 "takahartinka" is mentioned in a deed of donation to the Passau Cathedral, in 788 the place came under Archbishop Arno zu Salzburg. In the 12th century, Baumburg Abbey was established in today's Altenmarkt, to which the original parish of Tacherting had close ties until secularization in 1803. In the Middle Ages, the town alternately belonged to Lower and Upper Bavaria. With the construction of the first hydroelectric power stations in 1909, new industrial settlements developed along the Alz, giving the old cultural region a new face.

Tacherting personalities

With the archer Armin Garnreiter (born 1958) from the FSG Tacherting, a multiple German champion in archery comes from the place on the Alz.

Tacherting and King Ludwig I.

None other than King Ludwig I of Bavaria brought Tacherting nationwide attention in the 19th century. After the first coincidental finds of well-preserved mosaics from Roman times, he had Bavaria's largest mosaic find uncovered there through systematic excavations. One of them is still in the local history museum in the old elementary school. There you can also see the model of a Roman Villa Rustica, the foundations of which were completely uncovered in 1828. Of course, the remains of the manor did not last long: resourceful farmers used the stones for expansion work on their farms. A pillar on the field still reminds us of the king's excavations.

Tips about Tacherting

Weißbräuhaus Schwendl

From a wash tank brewer to a wheat beer institution - the good quality of Schwendl beers has been awarded twelve European Beer Stars in all three colors since 2008.

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On the bike from farm to farm

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Contact details

Tourist-Information Tacherting
Trostberger Straße 9
83342 Tacherting
+49 8621 80060