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Enjoy Beer between the Alz and Traun

Altenmarkt has one of the crown jewels of the Chiemgau-Area to offer with the magnificent rococo-style Baumburg collegiate church, which is located above the town high above the Trauntal valley. The program of the Baumburg cultural summer, which has been taking place in the courtyard of the former monastery for several years, is top-class and varied. Since enjoying culture is known to make you thirsty, it is fitting that the monastery houses a traditional brewery with beer specialties that have received several awards.

Culture and water fun

The museum of local history rounds off the cultural offering with collector's items such as a hammer forge and insights into the craft guild and history of Altenmarkt. The river meadows of the Alz are a hotspot for bathing fans and young people in summer. The upper reaches of the Alz are tranquil, where family trips in rubber boats are great fun. With "Mina", one of the last cable wind ferries in Germany operates at Gasthaus Roiter and takes guests across the river on demand.

Winter and rainy weather

The fact that Altenmarkt is always worth a little journey of discovery is evident not only in summer. Unusual gift ideas and individual handicrafts are presented in November at the "Bavarian Christmas Market" in the atmospherically lit monastery courtyard. The high altar of the Church of St. James in Rabenden shows masterful late Gothic woodcarving. The little Gothic church in the district of St. Wolfgang is shrouded in a touch of mysticism: according to legend, anyone who crawls through the healing slipstone under the altar will be relieved of back pain and receive help if they are childless. Also in Altenmarkt is the original and probably unique combination of a men's fashion studio and a coffee roasting factory.

Local history of Altenmarkt

A milestone in the settlement of the place was the founding of the Augustinian monastery in Baumburg (around the middle of the twelfth century). These included Hofmark and Edelsitz, which played an important role nationwide until secularization in 1803. At the bridgehead of the old salt trade route, Altenmarkt an der Alz was always very important as a marketplace and craftsmen's town. In 1818 the independent political municipality was established. After 1945, the founding of the mechanical engineering company Alzmetall secured the town's economic rise.

Altenmarkt personalities

Helmut Josef Geier (born 1962) comes from Altenmarkt and is internationally successful as a DJ and producer of electronic music under the name "DJ Hell". The playwright Franz Xaver Kroetz (b. 1946 in Munich) lived here for a while. Heiner Friedrich (born 1938 in Stettin), son of Alzmetall founder Harald Friedrich, who became well known as a gallery owner and art patron in Munich, Cologne and later in the USA, grew up in the Kirchberg district. He is the founder of the art collection “ The Maximum” in Traunreut.

© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Tips around Altenmarkt

Bräustüberl Baumburg

The rustic Bräustüberl, already supplied with its own beer in 1406, is beautifully situated at the gate of the former Augustinian Canons' Monastery in Baumburg. It's just as comfortable in the cozy guest room as it is in the adjoining courtyard.

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Brauereitour 1 - Klöster, Burgen, Biergenuss

The 61-kilometer tour is suitable as a half-day excursion or as a leisurely, enjoyable day tour. On the way you pass beauties of the Chiemgau north with a wonderful view of the Alpine panorama.

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Wanderung zur Alzfähre

Family hike through the idyllic Upper Alz Valley to the unique Alz ferry "Mina"

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Experiencing energy: from power plants to places of power

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Contact details

Tourist-Information Altenmarkt
Hauptstraße 21
83352 Altenmarkt an der Alz
+49 8621 98450